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Another American Tragedy

Lindy Medeiros
3 min readApr 3, 2020


Today I’m angry. Yesterday I was depressed. Some days it’s all I can do not to break down into tears, and a couple of times, I simply let it happen. And intertwined with all these emotions is the persistent fear. But for now, it’s anger, and it’s focused on Trump.

Honestly, I have run out of descriptive words for this disgusting and deplorable shit sac, taking up air and space in the White House. Orange shit-gibbon, ferret-wigged bloviating yam, infected pusticle (new word meaning pus-filled testicle), shit-funnel, take your pick and put them all together he is still worse than all that.

We have a president who cares more about his popularity on Facebook than how many Americans died today. Some of those deaths could have been preventable if the shit sac had cared more about saving lives than the stock market. Now he gives himself an A+ for job performance and assumes no responsibility for preventing what is likely to be the most severe catastrophe this country has ever experienced.

He is incapable of compassion. He is incapable of empathy. He is an empty husk who views every single word spoken, deed accomplished through his personal filter. You are with him 100 percent, or you are an enemy. Criticism means dismissal because he is the all-knowing stable genius who flies by the seat of his pants and trusts his gut more than military leaders, the intelligence community, scientific data, or medical experts.

Throughout his life, he has never taken responsibility for any failures. He isn’t going to change his behavior now. He will continue to deflect the blame to others. Obama left him a mess. China didn’t warn us in time. Nobody told him it would be this bad. The nasty Democrats distracted me with impeachment for a little innocent attempt to ratfuck the upcoming election.

Republic Governors are still refusing to lock down their states while others have come late to the game. We don’t have enough test kits available. We are short in supply of everything we need except excuses from Trump and his toadies. The only commodity we never seem to run out of is lies and misinformation, either intentional or due to the incredible depth of his stupidity.

Healthcare providers on the front line do not have enough protective gear. Would we send soldiers into battle without a gun? Of course not. We shouldn’t put our doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers, our first line of defense, in harm’s way without adequate protection either. It’s unconscionable, and it gets worse.

We are not going to have enough hospital beds or respirators for critical cases. Some Americans are going to die that may have been saved had our dear leader done his fucking job. Instead of squandering precious time playing golf, holding political rallies, and vacationing at Mar-a-Largo in January and February, he should have prepared. Here’s another thought. Maybe he shouldn’t have sent all those protective medical supplies to China either?

Yet all he can do is whine about how unfairly the press treats him, or how the media won’t cut him a break. And the reporters ask him nasty questions and everybody hates him. It’s so unfair and blah, blah, blah, fucking blah. As I write, the death toll now tops more than 1000 per day. Yet his approval rating continues to hold steady with his base. If nothing else, this pandemic has made it impossible to ignore or deny how fundamentally fucked up we are as a nation.

May God, or some force that governs the universe, have mercy on us. Because Trump certainly won’t

